Heartland Yoga

300 Hour Kundalini YTTC

300-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Goa

What is Kundalini Yoga?

300 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Goa

In Sanskrit, Kundalini means ‘Coiled snake’. It is the snake, the Shakti, that lies at the base of the spine, in the Muladhara. Kundalini Yoga is basically a mix of breath, movements, mantras, and chanting. It not only makes your body strong, but energy-rich as well. Your self-awareness and latent powers will also get a boost, if you engage in Kundalini Yoga practice. In some cases, one cannot even recognize that such energy is there. A person can spend his or her entire lifetime, without even tapping into these powers. As a part of Kundalini yoga, the Female shakti rises up the chakras, and becomes one with the Universal consciousness, through the avenue of the Sahasara Chakra. 

Kundalini Yoga is different from other yoga practices like Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga, which are more movement and physical strength oriented. There are several kriyas, that you will practice under the realm. They include asanas, mudras, bandhas, mantras, and proper breathing patterns. In Kundalini Yoga, these are better defined as ‘kriyas’. Now, you can advance your knowledge about Kundalini Yoga, through the 300 hour Kundalini yoga teacher training in Goa.

Advance Kundalini Yoga

In the 300 hour Kundalini yoga teacher training in Goa, you will learn about advanced kriyas and techniques. It is on a higher level, when compared to the basic 200-hour Kundalini YTTC. You need to develop a consciousness through the basic level kriyas practice. Only then can you navigate to the advanced practices. The advanced training is mainly dependent on the basic level, for preparation. After you have experienced the awakening, which takes place once in a lifetime, you gear up for more advanced asanas, Pranayama, meditation, and other kriyas. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to absorb the teachings and experiences of the advanced course. You will learn about the detailed energization techniques as a part of the course at a good Kundalini Yoga School, near you. Discover how the nadis work, so that you can have a fair understanding of the flow of energy. 

In this course, you will also learn how to connect the Third Eye to the Heart. So, whatever you visualize, can transform into a reality. You will also learn to transmit the Shakti, to others for healing. You will learn how to activate the Heart Chakra, through various kriyas. You will learn about some advanced Tantra ritualistic practices, like the 10 Mahavidyas. The serene location of Goa, adds to the ambience and environment.

Why Choose Heartland Yoga?

You should choose Heartland Yoga School for the 300 hr Kundalini yoga teacher training, due to the following reasons. 

  • We follow the ancient, and traditional yoga lineage of the Himalayas. 
  • The location is quite peaceful in Goa near the beach, but also near the daily necessities like markets. 
  • You will get the opportunity to practice yoga indoors as well as outdoors. 
  • We conduct the courses in small batches, so that you can get undivided attention. 
  • Our training is spiritual-based. 
  • We employ experienced teachers, who teach you in a unique style. 
  • You will get hands-on support from the teachers. 
  • While staying at the ashram, you will follow a yogic lifestyle, which will help you after you graduate. 
  • We offer the Yoga Alliance certification, which provides you with the opportunity to register as a RYT 300 certified teacher. You will get job opportunities across the world, thereafter.

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Course Syllabus

Kundalini Awakening & Brief Overview Of Course

Kundalini Yoga is a higher form of yoga, which is precisely also a spiritual form. You must enroll yourself for a course at a good Yoga School, like Heartland Yoga. We can provide you the traditional and authentic knowledge of Kundalini Yoga, according to the original lineage, and not that of Yogi Bhajan. However, certain kriyas and practices in general can be similar. Through such practices, you will experience the Kundalini awakening, which is a very strong spiritual experience. It can lead to significant changes in your consciousness. You will be able to look within and connect with your true self, through this course. When you experience this awakening, through initiation by a Guru, the female Shakti, which otherwise lies dormant travels through the chakras and unites with the Cosmic consciousness. If there are blockages, you may have violent reactions. So, the proper practice of kriyas is essential to make the pathway or the nadi, obstacle-free. 

As a part of the 300 hr Kundalini yoga teacher training, you will study about the following in this advanced and comprehensive course-

  • Tantra Kundalini Yoga
  • Pranayama
  • Sanskrit Terms
  • Mantras and Chanting
  • Kundalini Meditation
  • Kundalini Asanas
  • Kundalini Kriyas like bandhas and mudras
  • Kundalini Theory
  • Kundalini Anatomy
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Kundalini Philosophy
  • Satkarma
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Ayurveda
  • Alignments and Modifications 

This is a basic outline of the 300 hour Kundalini yoga teacher training in Goa, and more things will come forth as you navigate through this fascinating course.

Module 1:Introduction To Kundalini Yoga And Philosolpy

  • What is Kundalini?
  • Kundalini Physiology
  • Methods of Awakening
  • Preparing for the Awakening
  • Diet for Kundalini Awakening
  • Risks and Precautions
  • The Experiences of Awakening
  • The Path of Kriya Yoga
  • Vama Marga and Kundalini Awakening

Module 2: The Chakras

  • Introduction
  • Chakra History
  • Root Chakra
  • Sacral Chakra
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Third •Eye Chakra
  • Crown Chakra
  • Conclusion

Module 3:Kundalini Pranayama

  • Benefits of Pranayama
  • Some Beneficial Practice

Module 4:Kundalini Mudras, Bandhas, And Kriya

  • What is Mudra, Bandha, Kriya?
  • Beneficial Practices

Module 5:Energy Anatomy

  • The Gunas
  • The Koshas
  • The Chakras

Module 6:Ayurveda

  • Panchabhuta: The 5 Elements The Doshas
  • Ayurvedic Food Combinations
  • Ayurvedic Tips for Digestion

Module 7: Qualities Of A Good Teacher

  • The Importance of a Teacher
  • Positive communication and trust-building
  • Time management
  • Mental and emotional preparation for teaching
  • Class preparation
  • Step-by-step class structure planning
  • Lesson planning
  • Ethical practices

Course Dates

Duration Of 300 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

The duration of the yoga course is 27 days. You can start the course at the beginning of every month. You will learn about all the aspects of Yoga in steps.

01 To 27 May 2024

€1600 / €1900

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01 To 27 Jun 2024

€1600/ €1900

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01 To 27 Jul 2024

€1600 / €1900

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01 To 27 Aug 2024

€1600 / €1900

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01 To 27 Sep 2024

€1600 / €1900

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01 To 27 Oct 2024

€1600 / €1900

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01 To 27 Nov 2024

€1600 / €1900

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01 To 27 Dec 2024

€1600 / €1900

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01 To 27 Jan 2025

€1600 / €1900

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01 To 27 Feb 2025

€1600 / €1900

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01 To 27 Mar 2025

€1600 / €1900

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01 To 27 Apr 2025

€1600 / €1900

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Join Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Course

Through this advanced yoga course, you will also gain world-acclaimed certifications like Yoga Alliance. It is an accreditation, that the best schools will get in the sphere of yoga. You can join the course at our ashram today, and enjoy the myriad benefits. Our courses are renowned across the world. Moreover, we have students from foreign nations as well. So, you can very well understand, that we have a reputation to reckon with. Enrol for the Yoga Teacher Certification Course today at Heartland Yoga. Make Hatha Yoga your lifestyle.


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