Heartland Yoga


Founder Of Heartland Yoga

Founder : Devesh Bhargav

Devesh Bhargav is the Founding Director of Heartland Yoga Private Limited. He has years of experience teaching national and international students. He is a prominent and established yoga teacher in the global yoga community with a strong following within the yoga teaching world, Becoming an acknowledged name in the field of holistic health and spirituality. He is a young visionary, spiritual leader, and social activist who was born in a small town well known as Prayagraj. He has taught thousands of students in yoga teacher training programs over the years and has traveled through conducting workshops and retreats.

Devesh's spiritual journey took off when Devesh went to the Himalayas, where he studied traditional yoga, meditation, as well as Indian and western philosophy under the guidance of renowned Himalayan yogis. Devesh moved permanently to the Himalayas in 2015 where he continued his spiritual practice, teachings and began traveling with Himalayan yogis to learn from their life experiences. For Devesh, Yoga Philosophy is not a theoretical pursuit but a lifestyle that reveals higher truths that need to be contemplated, verified, applied, and assimilated. Devesh has had many transformative spiritual experiences which he shares with his students. He is passionate about sharing his wisdom and insights with spiritual seekers. His simple way of teaching helps his students to know themselves better and deeper.

Co-founder : Lindsey Sherill

Meet Lindsey Sherill, the co-founder of Heartland Yoga, whose incredible journey has taken her from the scientific world of molecular biology to a realm of healing, meditation, and yoga. Born in the USA, Lindsey's early life was characterized by her exploration of the intricacies of molecular biology, unraveling the secrets of life itself.

However, life had different plans for her. Lindsey's path soon led her to discover the profound power of healing through sound vibrations and the transformative practices of yoga and meditation. She embraced her role as a Meditation Instructor and Sound Healer, finding herself in a unique position to help others restore balance, tranquility, and elevated consciousness through the magic of Meditation.

Lindsey Sherill's life story exemplifies a dedication to holistic well-being and self-discovery. Her journey, from the scientific realm to the realms of healing, meditation, and yoga, showcases the beauty of following one's true passion. As a co-founder of Heartland Yoga, she brings a unique blend of scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom to inspire those who cross her path.


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